Dr. Jamie Bennett
Executive Director & Co-Founder

Dr. Jamie Bennett is the co-founder and Executive Director of Cetera. Dr. Bennett has a decade of experience in direct practice, training, and consulting for organizations who aim to improve outcomes for young adults leaving foster care. She holds a doctorate in educational program development, bachelors and master’s degree in social work, and a coaching certification through the International Coach Federation. Dr. Bennett has coached dozens of college students from foster care and led the Fostering Success Coach Training, developing curriculum and providing training to hundreds of education and child welfare professionals working with students from foster care in several states. Dr. Bennett also provides consulting to non-profit and government systems related to youth engagement, coaching, and best-practices to increase resilience and well-being among youth.
As a research practitioner and alumna of the foster care system, Dr. Bennett is dedicated to bridging research related to youth and student engagement to practical application for front-line youth supporters to improve outcomes for youth from foster care. Her research and practice foci are youth engagement, practice strategies to increase engagement with youth, and coaching strategies for people who have experience in foster care. In her free time she enjoys cooking, going to the beach, shopping, reading, and spending time with her family.